On the USA Canada and Mexico Extreme Plan, USA Max Plan and the USA Saver Plan you get unlimited free texts (but not picture or video message) to all of the countries listed in the table below. Please read further at the bottom about sending MMS outside the USA.
If your country is not in the table below, you can still use apps like Whatsapp and Viber, or iMessage, to send SMS, pictures and videos.
Country | Country Code | Country | Country Code |
Afghanistan | 93 | Korea, South | 82 |
Angola | 244 | Laos | 856 |
Argentina | 54 | Lesotho | 266 |
Aruba | 297 | Libya | 218 |
Ascension Island | 247 | Liechtenstein | 423 |
Australia | 61 | Macao | 853 |
Austria | 43 | Madagascar | 261 |
Belize | 501 | Malawi | 265 |
Benin | 229 | Maldives | 960 |
Bhutan | 975 | Marshall Islands | 692 |
Bolivia | 591 | Mauritania | 222 |
Botswana | 267 | Mexico | 52 |
Brazil | 55 | Micronesia | 691 |
Brunel Darussalam | 673 | Monaco | 377 |
Bulgaria | 359 | Montenegro | 382 |
Burundi | 257 | Myanmar | 95 |
Canada | 1 + Area Code | Nauru | 674 |
Cape Verde | 238 | Nepal | 977 |
Central African Republic | 236 | Netherlands Antilles | 599 |
Chad | 235 | New Caledonia | 687 |
Chile | 56 | New Zealand | 64 |
China | 86 | Nicaragua | 505 |
Christmas & Cocos Isl. | 672 | Niue | 683 |
Comoros/Mayotte Isl. | 269 | Oman | 968 |
Congo | 242 | Palestinian Authority | 970 |
Congo-Dem. Rep. of | 243 | Panama | 507 |
Cook Island | 682 | Papua New Guinea | 675 |
Costa Rica | 506 | Peru | 51 |
Denmark | 45 | Philippines | 63 |
Diego Garcia | 246 | Poland | 48 |
Djibouti | 253 | Reunion | 262 |
Dominican Republic | 1 + area code | Romania | 40 |
Ecuador | 593 | Rwanda | 250 |
Equatorial Guinea | 240 | San Marino | 378 |
Eritrea | 291 | Sao Tome & Principe | 239 |
Ethiopia | 251 | Senegal | 221 |
Falkland Islands | 500 | Singapore | 65 |
Faroe Islands | 298 | Solomon Islands | 677 |
Fiji | 679 | Somalia | 252 |
French Antilles | 596 | St Helena | 290 |
French Guiana | 594 | St Pierre & Miquelon | 508 |
French Polynesia | 689 | Sudan | 249 |
Gambia | 220 | Swaziland | 268 |
Germany | 49 | Switzerland | 41 |
Gibraltar | 350 | Syria | 963 |
Greenland | 299 | Taiwan | 886 |
Guatemala | 502 | Tajikistan | 992 |
Guinea-Bissau | 245 | Togo | 228 |
Guyana | 592 | Tokelau | 690 |
Haiti | 509 | Tonga | 676 |
Honduras | 504 | Turkmenistan | 993 |
Hong Kong | 852 | Tuvalu | 688 |
Iran | 98 | Vanuatu | 678 |
Iraq | 964 | Vatican City | 39 |
Ireland, Republic of | 353 | Venezuela | 58 |
Israel | 972 | Vietnam | 84 |
Ivory Coast | 225 | Wallis & Fortuna Isl | 681 |
Kiribati | 686 | Western Samoa | 685 |
Korea, North | 850 | Yemen | 967 |
Please note that MMS/picture/video messaging is not included to countries outside the USA. There are a variety of apps such as Whatsapp and Viber that let you send pictures and video to other phones when you're connected to 3G or wi-fi. Also if you're using an iPhone you can send pictures and video using iMessage when connected to 3G and wi-fi.