On the USA Canada and Mexico Extreme Plan, USA Max Plan and the USA Saver Plan you get unlimited free texts (but not picture or video message) to all of the countries listed in the table below.  Please read further at the bottom about sending MMS outside the USA.

If your country is not in the table below, you can still use apps like Whatsapp and Viber, or iMessage, to send SMS, pictures and videos.

Country Country Code Country Country Code
Afghanistan 93 Korea, South 82
Angola 244 Laos 856
Argentina 54 Lesotho 266
Aruba 297 Libya 218
Ascension Island 247 Liechtenstein 423
Australia 61 Macao 853
Austria 43 Madagascar 261
Belize 501 Malawi 265
Benin 229 Maldives 960
Bhutan 975 Marshall Islands 692
Bolivia 591 Mauritania 222
Botswana 267 Mexico 52
Brazil 55 Micronesia 691
Brunel Darussalam 673 Monaco 377
Bulgaria 359 Montenegro 382
Burundi 257 Myanmar 95
Canada 1 + Area Code Nauru 674
Cape Verde 238 Nepal 977
Central African Republic 236 Netherlands Antilles 599
Chad 235 New Caledonia 687
Chile 56 New Zealand 64
China 86 Nicaragua 505
Christmas & Cocos Isl. 672 Niue 683
Comoros/Mayotte Isl. 269 Oman 968
Congo 242 Palestinian Authority 970
Congo-Dem. Rep. of 243 Panama 507
Cook Island 682 Papua New Guinea 675
Costa Rica 506 Peru 51
Denmark 45 Philippines 63
Diego Garcia 246 Poland 48
Djibouti 253 Reunion 262
Dominican Republic 1 + area code Romania 40
Ecuador 593 Rwanda 250
Equatorial Guinea 240 San Marino 378
Eritrea 291 Sao Tome & Principe 239
Ethiopia 251 Senegal 221
Falkland Islands 500 Singapore 65
Faroe Islands 298 Solomon Islands 677
Fiji 679 Somalia 252
French Antilles 596 St Helena 290
French Guiana 594 St Pierre & Miquelon 508
French Polynesia 689 Sudan 249
Gambia 220 Swaziland 268
Germany 49 Switzerland 41
Gibraltar 350 Syria 963
Greenland 299 Taiwan 886
Guatemala 502 Tajikistan 992
Guinea-Bissau 245 Togo 228
Guyana 592 Tokelau 690
Haiti 509 Tonga 676
Honduras 504 Turkmenistan 993
Hong Kong 852 Tuvalu 688
Iran 98 Vanuatu 678
Iraq 964 Vatican City 39
Ireland, Republic of 353 Venezuela 58
Israel 972 Vietnam 84
Ivory Coast 225 Wallis & Fortuna Isl 681
Kiribati 686 Western Samoa 685
Korea, North 850 Yemen 967

Please note that MMS/picture/video messaging is not included to countries outside the USA.   There are a variety of apps such as Whatsapp and Viber that let you send pictures and video to other phones when you're connected to 3G or wi-fi.  Also if you're using an iPhone you can send pictures and video using iMessage when connected to 3G and wi-fi.