p style="text-align: justify;"span style="font-size: large;"Dear Customer of MezRay Tours/span/p
p style="text-align: justify;"span style="font-size: large;"br/span/p
p style="text-align: justify;"span style="font-size: large;"You have received a USA sim card from www.usaprepaidsimcard.com.au./span/p
p style="text-align: justify;"span style="font-size: large;"br/span/p
p style="text-align: justify;"span style="font-size: large;"Your sim card has not yet been activated and there is no credit or plan currently loaded onto your sim card/spanspan style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.3;". It must be activated and you must purchase a plan./span/p
p style="text-align: justify;"span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.3;"br/span/p
pspan style="font-size: large;"bYour USA sim card will only work in an unlocked mobile phone. If your mobile phone is still locked to your Australian mobile network, the pre-paid USA sim card will not work in your phone/b, and you won't be able to get a refund of the cost of your plan. /spanspan style="font-size: large; line-height: 1.3;"You can /spana href="http://usasimcard.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/135786" target="_blank" style="font-size: large; line-height: 1.3; text-align: justify;"click here/aspan style="font-size: large; line-height: 1.3;" to read more about unlocking your phone. Please note that unlocking an iPhone requires you to connect your iPhone to iTunes and then perform a full backup and restore of your iPhone. Merely requesting an unlock of your iPhone from your carrier does NOT unlock your iPhone. buWe repeat/u/b: the USA sim card will only work in an unlocked mobile phone and you will not receive a refund if you can't use the USA sim card because your phone is locked./span/p
pspan style="font-size: large; line-height: 1.3;"br/span/p
pspan style="font-size: large; line-height: 1.3;"bYou can activate the sim card as a data only sim card for an iPad or Tablet OR you can activate the sim card for your phone/b./span/p
pspan style="font-size: large; line-height: 1.3;"br/span/p
pspan style="font-size: large; line-height: 1.3;"To activate the sim card as a data only sim card for an iPad or Tablet, please /spana href="http://usasimcard.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/135823" target="_blank"span style="font-size: large;"click here/span/aspan style="font-size: large; line-height: 1.3;"./span/p
p style="text-align: justify;"span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.3;"br/span/p
p style="text-align: justify;"span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.3;"To activate the sim card for your phone please follow the instructions below:/span/p
p style="text-align: justify;"span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.3;"br/span/p
p style="text-align: justify;"span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.3;"bStep 1: Choose the plan you want/b/span/p
p style="text-align: justify;"span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.3;"bStep 2: Email us with your details so we can activate your sim card/b/span/p
p style="text-align: justify;"span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.3;"bStep 3: Purchase your plan/b/span/p
p style="text-align: justify;"span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.3;"bStep 4: Read further important information about using your sim card/b/span/p
p style="text-align: justify;"span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.3;"bbr/b/span/p
p style="text-align: justify;"span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.3;"buStep 1: Choose the plan you want/u/b/span/p
p style="text-align: justify;"span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.3;"br/span/p
p style="text-align: justify;"span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.3;"There are five plans which you may choose:/span/p
p style="text-align: justify;"span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.3;"br/span/p
p style="text-align: justify;"/p
lispan style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.3;"The USA Extreme Plan (calls, SMS and data) which costs $79;/span/li
lispan style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.3;"The USA Max Plan (calls, SMS and data) which costs $59;/span/li
lispan style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.3;"The USA Saver Plan (calls and SMS only) which costs $38;/span/li
lispan style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.3;"The USA Daily Plan (calls and SMS only) which costs $38; and/span/li
span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.3;"The USA Budget Plan (calls and SMS only) which costs $29.95./spanbr
divfont size="4"span style=""br/span/font/div
a href="http://usasimcard.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/137511" target="_blank" style=""span style="font-size: large;"Click here/span/afont size="4"span style="" to read about what's included in each of these plans./span/font
p style="text-align: justify;"span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.3;"br/span/p
p style="text-align: justify;"span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.3;"We highly recommend the bUSA Extreme Plan/b - it is by far our most popular plan. It lasts for 30 days and gives:/spanbr/p
p style="text-align: justify;"span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.3;"br/span/p
li style="text-align: justify;"font style="font-size: large;"b4GB of high speed 3G/4G data/b;/font/li
li style="text-align: justify;"font style="font-size: large;"bUnlimited calling and texting to any USA number/b (including other travellers using our sim card);/font/li
li style="text-align: justify;"font style="font-size: large;"bUnlimited texting to Australian mobiles/b;/font/li
li style="text-align: justify;"font style="font-size: large;"bAll incoming calls and texts from Australia are free for you/b (the person in Australia will pay the cost of a call or text to the USA); and/font/li
li style="text-align: justify;"font style="font-size: large;"bYou will not be able to call Australia/b, but please read further below about how to add the International Call Pack or extra credit so that you can call Australia - alternatively apps such as Viber, Skype and FaceTime can you be used to call Australia./font/li
li style="text-align: justify;"font style="font-size: large;"bAre you staying in the USA for longer than 30 days?/b You can just recharge at the end of 30 days via our website./font/li
div style="text-align: justify;"fontspan style="font-size: large;"br/span/font/div
div style="text-align: justify;"
b style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 23px;"uStep 2: Email us with your details so we can activate your sim card/u/bbr
div style="text-align: justify;"
pb style=""u style="font-size: large;"br/u/b/p
pfontspan style="font-size: large;"You can activate your sim card up to 21 days prior to your departure date to the USA./span/font/p
pfontspan style="font-size: large;"br/span/font/p
pfontspan style="font-size: large;"To activate your USA sim card, please do the following:/span/font/p
pfontspan style="font-size: large;"br/span/font/p
pfontspan style="font-size: large;"1. Send an email to info@usaprepaidsimcard.com.au with uall/u of the following information:/span/font/p
lifontspan style="font-size: large;"bYour first and last name/b/span/font/li
lifontspan style="font-size: large;"bThe day you depart to the USA/b/span/font/li
lifontspan style="font-size: large;"bThe sim card serial number/b (the number on the back starting with 8901)/span/font/li
lifontspan style="font-size: large;"bThe plan you want to go on/b. /span/font/li
divfontspan style="font-size: large;"br/span/font/div
divfontspan style="font-size: large;"2. Within 12-24 hours we will email you back with your USA mobile number, and you must then purchase your pre-paid plan as set out below./span/font/div
divfontspan style="font-size: large;"br/span/font/div
div style="text-align: justify;"fontspan style=""br/span/font/div
div style="text-align: justify;"
pb style="font-size: 18px;"uStep 3: Purchase your plan/u/b/p
pb style="font-size: 18px;"ubr/u/b/p
pspan style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.3;"Once we have emailed you with your USA mobile number, you'll need to purchase your plan by following the instructions below:/spanbr/p
div style="text-align: justify;"
span style="font-size: large;"fontspan style=""1. /span/fonta href="http://www.usaprepaidsimcard.com.au/plans.html#tabs-4" target="_blank"Click here/afontspan style="" to be taken to the recharge portal./span/font
div style="text-align: justify;"fontspan style="font-size: large;"br/span/font/div
div style="text-align: justify;"fontspan style="font-size: large;"2. At Step 1, enter your USA mobile number (the number we advised by email)./span/font/div
div style="text-align: justify;"fontspan style="font-size: large;"br/span/font/div
div style="text-align: justify;"
span style="font-size: large;"3. At Step 2 choose the plan that you told us you wanted to go on (uyou must choose the same plan/u that you requested previously).
p style="text-align: justify;"span style="font-size: large;"br/span/p
p style="text-align: justify;"font style="font-size: large;"4. At Step 3 you can choose to add the "International Call Pack" which will give calls to Australian landlines (only) - NOT to Australian mobiles./font/p
p style="text-align: justify;"font style="font-size: large;"br/font/p
p style="text-align: justify;"font style="font-size: large;"5. If you chose the USA Extreme Plan, at Step 4 you can choose to add extra data ($12/1GB). Please note that the USA Extreme Plan already comes with 4GB data./font/p
p style="text-align: justify;"font style="font-size: large;"br/font/p
p style="text-align: justify;"font style="font-size: large;"6. At Step 5 you can choose to add extra credit to (i) call Australian mobiles at a cost of $1.09/min or (ii) use your sim card in Canada or Mexico./font/p
p style="text-align: justify;"font style="font-size: large;"br/font/p
p style="text-align: justify;"font style="font-size: large;"7. At Step 6 there is nothing to choose as the recharge is electronically added to your sim card./font/p
p style="text-align: justify;"font style="font-size: large;"br/font/p
p style="text-align: justify;"font style="font-size: large;"8. At Step 7 complete your details including your departure date to the USA and then click "Add to Cart" and you will then be taken to Paypal where you will pay with your credit card or Paypal account./font/p
p style="text-align: justify;"font style="font-size: large;"br/font/p
p style="text-align: justify;"font style="font-size: large;"Your recharge will be processed on the date you nominate as your departure date to the USA. If you are already in the USA, please note that it will take approximately 2-3 hours for your recharge to be processed and if you purchase your recharge between 6am and 2:30pm (San Francisco time), your recharge will not be processed until after 2:30pm (San Francisco time). You will receive a confirmation email once the recharge has been processed./font/p
p style="text-align: justify;"font style="font-size: large;"br/font/p
p style="text-align: justify;"font style="font-size: large;"At the end of your USA trip there is nothing to cancel.* You can simply throw your sim card away (although it can be re-used within 30 days). For future reference, www.usaprepaidsimcard.com.au offers pre-paid sim cards for phones, iPads, Tablets and Wi-Fi Hotspots. You can also hire a 4G Hotspot from us which will allow you to connect up to 5 devices./font/p
p style="text-align: justify;"fontbr/font/p
p style="text-align: justify;"span style=""* So long as you purchased your recharge from us, there's nothing to cancel. In the unlikely event that you used your credit card to purchase a recharge directly from ATamp;T then you wll need to contact ATamp;T to cancel your sim card plan./span/p
p style="text-align: justify;"fontbbr/b/font/p
pb style="font-size: 18px; text-align: justify;"uStep 4: Read further important information about using your sim card/u/b/p
pb style="font-size: 18px; text-align: justify;"ubr/u/b/p
p style="text-align: justify; "font size="4"If you chose the USA Extreme Plan or the USA Max Plan and your phone is unot an iPhone/u you need to make a setting change on your phone. /fontspan style="font-size: large;"To do this please a href="http://usasimcard.freshdesk.com/solution/categories/133307/folders/221421/articles/135613-activation-instructions-for-mobile-phone-usa-sim" target="_blank" style=""click here/a and review the information at Step 2./span/p
p style="text-align: justify;"br/p
p style="text-align: justify;"fontbr/font/p
p style="text-align: justify;"span style="font-size: large;"fontPlease read our /font/spana href="http://usasimcard.freshdesk.com/solution/categories/147935/folders/243384" target="_blank"span style="font-size: large;"Frequently Asked Questions Page/span/aspan style="font-size: large;"font which gives answers to our most frequently asked questions, such as "iHow do I send a text to Australia?/i", "iHow do people in Australia call me?/i" and more. /font/spana href="http://usasimcard.freshdesk.com/solution/categories/147935/folders/243384" target="_blank"span style="font-size: large;"Click here/span/aspan style="font-size: large;"font to read our FAQs/fontfont./font/span/p
p style="text-align: justify;"fontbr/font/p
p style="text-align: justify;"bu style="font-size: large;"Need help?/u/b/p
p style="text-align: justify;"bu style="font-size: large;"br/u/b/p
p style="text-align: justify;"font style="font-size: large;"For help whilst you're still in Australia, please email help@usaprepaidsimcard.com.au or call 1300 123 274./font/p
p style="text-align: justify;"font style="font-size: large;"br/font/p
p style="text-align: justify;"font style="font-size: large;"/font/p
pspan style="font-size: large; text-align: justify;"For help whilst you're in the USA, please email help@usaprepaidsimcard.com.au or call our 24/7 USA Support Line at 323-395-2454./span/p
MezRay Tours - USA Sim Card Activation instructions Print
Modified on: Wed, 2 Mar, 2016 at 5:29 AM
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