pspan style="font-size: large;"If you're on the USA, Canada and Mexico Plan it is essential that you read the information below./span/p
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pspan style="font-size: large;"1. Please review the USA, Canada and Mexico Plan so you understand what is included.  /spana href="" target="_blank"span style="font-size: large;"Click here/span/aspan style="font-size: large;" to read more./span/p
pspan style="font-size: large;"br/span/p
pspan style="font-size: large;"2. If you arrive in Canada or Mexico and your phone doesn't automatically connect to the network, please reboot your phone (ie turn it completely off and back on).  If you're in Canada and still cannot connect, you may need to manually connect to the "Rogers" network.  On an iPhone go to Settings, Carrier, turn of Automatic and manually connect to the Rogers network./span/p
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pspan style="font-size: large;"3. /spanspan style="font-size: large; line-height: 1.3;"When you're in Canada and/or Mexico, you'll need to turn on data roaming in your mobile phone settings./span/p
pspan style="font-size: large;"br/span/p
pspan style="font-size: large;"This will allow data to be used on your USA sim card.  Because it is a USA sim card, using data in Canada and/or Mexico is considered roaming./span/p
pspan style="font-size: large;"br/span/p
pspan style="font-size: large;"bBecause data roaming is turned on, your MUST NOT insert your Australian sim card into your phone whilst data roaming is turned on or you WILL incur many thousands of dollars in international roaming costs from your Australian sim card.  uWE REPEAT: once you turn data roaming on, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES insert your Australian sim card into your phone.  If you do insert your Australian sim card into your phone you WILL incur many thousands of dollars in international roaming costs/u.  /b/span/p
pspan style="font-size: large;"bubr/u/b/span/p
pspan style="font-size: large;"buIf you need to put your Australian sim card into your phone you can do so but you MUST turn data roaming off, because if you don't you will run up thousands of dollars in costs with your Australian network provider./u/b/span/p
pspan style="font-size: large;"br/span/p
pspan style="font-size: large;"Please also make sure to turn data roaming off when you leave Canada and/or Mexico, and in particular make sure that data roaming is off when you return to Australia./span/p