pspan style="font-size: x-large;"buThanks for your order!/u/b/span/p
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pspan style="font-size: x-large;"buDid you purchase a USA Sim Card? If so, please /u/b/spana href="" target="_blank" style="font-size: x-large;"buclick here/u/b/aspan style="font-size: x-large;"bu /u/bb style="text-decoration: underline;"for very information about your order./b/span/p
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pspan style="font-size: x-large;"buDid you purchase a UK Sim Card? If so, please /u/b/spana href="" target="_blank" style="font-size: x-large;"buclick here/u/b/aspan style="font-size: x-large;"bu /u/bb style="text-decoration: underline;"for very information about your order./b/span/p
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Modified on: Wed, 2 Mar, 2016 at 5:29 AM
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