When you use our USA phone sim card, you get a new USA mobile number. If you want someone to call you (from within the USA or from back home) they need to call your USA mobile number and if they are calling from outside the USA they will incur international call costs.
If you want to continue to receive calls on your usual mobile number, you have a few options, set out below:
Option 1 - Divert your mobile number to your USA mobile number
You'll pay your existing telco a per minute diversion cost to divert your mobile to your USA mobile. You will need to contact your network carrier to find out how much this will cost. We don't know how much it will cost you or even be able to guess how much it will cost you - you will need to find this out yourself.
Please note that it is technically impossible to divert text/SMS from your mobile to your USA mobile. But you can insert your normal sim card into your phone when you're in the USA to collect your text/SMS, and then re-insert your USA sim card and reply to those text/SMS from your USA sim card.
There's no charge to receive diverted calls on your USA sim card but you will get charged a diversion rate on your existing sim card.
Option 2 - Get a "Follow Me" number
If receiving calls on your normal mobile is very important, we also can offer to you a "Follow Me" number.
We rent you a virtual landline number in your country (eg a local UK 020 number) for the duration of your trip which diverts to your USA mobile number. When you leave for the USA, you divert your mobile to your "Follow Me" number:
Your normal mobile number ---> Your "Follow Me" number --> Your USA mobile number
07123 456 789 --> 020 8888 1234 --> 408-123-4567
To find out more about a "Follow Me" number please click here.