Please note that calling to Australia or other non-USA number is not included as standard in any of the phone sim card plans. To call Australia or other non-USA numbers, you'll need to add International Mobile Call Pack, the International Landline Call Pack or Extra Credit.
Please click here to read about how to add the International Mobile Call Pack, the International Landline Call Pack or Extra Credit.
To call Australia, you must dial in international format.
In the USA on the AT&T network there are two ways to dial back to Australia. Sometimes both ways work, but sometimes only one of the ways below works, so if you're having difficulties try using the other way. We've set out both ways below:
(a) Dial +61 and then the number with the leading 0 removed.
For example, to call (02) 9960 1234, dial +61299601234 (you need to actually enter the + symbol on your keypad - entering the + symbol is usually achieved by holding down the 0 key).
(b) Dial 011, then the country code 61 then the phone number with the leading 0 removed.
For example, to call (02) 9960 1234, dial 011 61 299601234
Important: use the prefix 011, and NOT 0011.